SNSB 全美拼字比赛

全美拼字比赛(英文:Scripps National Spelling Bee)是美国规模最大的英语单词拼字大赛。通常在每年五月底阵亡将士纪念日之后的一周,由非盈利性组织The E. W. Scripps Company在华盛顿举办。自2011年起,全美拼字比赛的举办地点改为盖洛德国家度假会议中心酒店,位于华盛顿附近的马里兰州海滨城市奥克森岗。


SNSB 发展历程

Nine newspapers collaborated to start the National Spelling Bee in 1925.



In 1941,Scripps took over sponsorship of the National Spelling Bee.



There was no Scripps National Spelling Bee during the war years of 1943-45.

1943-1945年战争期间,Scripps 国家拼字比赛也随之暂停。


1946: The national finals wer broadcast live on NBC.

1946年: 全国级总决赛在NBC上现场直播。


1974 and 1977: The national finals were broadcast on PBS a taped prime-time special.

1974和1977年: 全国级总决赛在PBS黄金录音时段特别报道。


1994-2009: The national finals were broadcast live in daytime on ESPN.

1994-2009年: 全国级总决赛在ESPN白天进行现场直播。


2006-2010: The national finals were broadcast live on ABC.

2006-2010年: 全国级总决赛在ABC电台现场直播。


2011-2017: The national finals were broadcast live in prime-time on ESPN.



In an unprecedented display of academic achievement, eightspellers have become co-champions of the 2019 ScrippsNational Spelling Bee, making history as the first group toshare the coveted title in the 92 years of the storied event.


The 95th U.S. Spelling Bee Finals of 2023 concluded at 10pm on June lst. Dev Shah from Florida clinched the title inasingle round with the championship word"psammophile." He is the third winner hailing from Floridaand the first champion ofthe 21st century.


2024 Scripps National Spelling Bee ChampionSpeller 47 Bruhat Soma, received the ScrippsCup from Adam Symson, President and CE0 ofThe E.W. Scripps Company, in National HarborMD, on Thursday, May 30, 2024.

冠军 风采
Frank Neuhauser won the very first spelling bee with the world "Gladiolus" and was a patent lawyer at GE and Bernard Rothwell & Brown. He received his law degree at George Washington University in1940. He died in 2011 at age 97.
Jacques Bailly, the 1980 winner, he studied Ancient Greek and Latin, receiving his bachelor's degree from Brown University and his PhD from Cornell University. He learned German in Switzerland with the help of a Fulbright scholarshipis an associate professor of classics at the University of Vermont and the bee's official pronouncer.
1983 winner Blake Giddens has served for years as a national spelling bee judge. Giddens won with the word "purim" and as a civil engineer in Virginia and graduated from Cornell University.
1989 winner Scott Isaacs, studied at National University of Health Sciences and he practices naturopathic and chiropractic medicine in Denver. And he is now the Academic Director of the Spelling bee of China. He is also the bee’s official pronouncer.
Rebecca Sealfon, the 1997 winner, remembered screaming each letter of her last word — "euonym" — graduated from Columbia University and went on to found Research Match, a startup that helps professors and students collaborate. She's currently a software engineer at Qualia Media.
2014 winners, Ansun Sujoe and Sriram Hathwar.Sriram, first competed at the national level in 2008. Then 8-years-old, he was the youngest competitor in Bee history. He attends Corning Painted Post High School in Painted Post, New York. There, he competes in debate, rhetoric and the trivia bowl Academic All Stars. He wants to be an ophthalmologist someday. Sriram is also helping to promote spelling bee competitions in China.
2016 winners, Nihar Janga and Jairam Hathwar.Nihar Janga was 11years old when he tried with then 13-year-old Jairam Hathwar at the 2016 National Spelling Bee. They were the final two spellers left for 25 rounds,before judges declared them both winners. Jairam said that it definitely did take a while before everything finally settled down,but the whole experience was just wonderful.
2019 Scripps National Spelling Bee declares first-ever group of co-champions. In an unprecedented display of academic achievement, eight spellers have become co-champions of the 2019 Scripps National Spelling Bee, making history as the first group to share the coveted title in the 92 years of the storied event.
Co-champions were declared in 1950, 1957,1962,2014 2015and2016. Of the 96 champions, 49 have been girls and 47 have been boys.
SNSB 影响力
A British television show called Spelling Bee, featuring adult contestants and broadcast by the BBC on 31 May 1938, is generally held to have been the world's first television game show.
The Price Is Right features a pricing game called "Spelling Bee" which is played for a car and the object of the game is to spell "car".
A game show on the former Black Family Channel cable network, Thousand Dollar Bee engaged children in a spelling bee-like competition.
The 2004 game show The Great American Celebrity Spelling Bee featured four teams of four celebrities playing for charity. The show was hosted by John O'Hurley, and help for the celebrities was provided by Scripps National Spelling Bee participant Samir Patel.
2004年的竞赛节目《美国名人英文拼字比赛》是以4个一组的名人团体为做慈善而比赛的节目。节目由John O'Hurley主持,并由Scripps 全国级英文拼字大赛的参赛者Samir Patel为这些名人们提供帮助。
"Spelling Bee," a Saturday Night Live comedy sketch in which Will Forte's character delivers a 75-letter misspelling of the word "business" that includes 12 consecutive q’s .
“英文拼字大赛”,每礼拜六播放的喜剧短片, 由Will Forte主演,关于包括12个连续的q’s 在内的“business”这个单词75个字母的错误拼法。
"The Great Australian Spelling Bee" premiered in August 2015.
The 1969 animated film A Boy Named Charlie Brown.
1969年动画片《名叫卡莱瑞 布朗尼的男孩》。
The 2013 film Bad Words directed by Jason Bateman.
Jason Bateman在2013年导演的《粗口》。
The 1986 ABC TV-movie The Girl Who Spelled Freedom, about a Cambodian immigrant girl who competes in spelling bees.
The 2002 Academy Award-nominated documentary, Spellbound, featured eight competitors in the 1999 Scripps National Spelling Bee.
2002年学术提名奖项文献《着迷》,是以8个参与到1999年Scripps 国家拼字比赛的选手为题材的电影。
The 2006 film Akeelah and the Bee where a young girl from South Los Angeles tries to make it to the National Spelling Bee.
A scene in the 2004 movie Mean Girls shows a girl spelling the word 'xylocarp.'
The 2001 novel Bee Season and its 2005 film adaptation.
Eleemosynary, a 1998 play by Lee Blessing, uses the spelling bee as a key story element.
《被救济的人》,在1998年由Lee Blessing主演,采用英语拼字比赛作为主要故事情节。
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, a 2005 musical by William Finn.
《25届普特南国家英语拼字比赛》2005年William Finn的音乐剧
A novel Bee Season, in which Eliza Naumann participates in the final of the national Spelling Bee.
小说《蜂季》,讲述Eliza Naumann参与到国家英文拼字比赛直到总决赛的故事。
A spelling bee features as pioneer family entertainment in Little Town on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder, in which Pa 'spells down' the whole town.
Laura Ingalls Wilder的《草原上的小城镇》讲述一个拓荒家庭的娱乐活动——英文拼字大赛,小说里面的爸爸拼倒了整个小镇。
The 1878 Bret Harte poem The Spelling Bee at Angels describes a spelling contest held at a California gold mining camp.
1878年Bret Harte写的诗The Spelling Bee at Angels 描述了在加利福利亚的一个开采金矿营队的拼字大赛趣事。
A character in The Phantom Tollbooth, a novel by Norton Juster, is named the Spelling Bee.
Norton Juster的小说,The Phantom Tollbooth里面的一个人物就是以英文拼字大赛命名的。