全美拼字比赛(英文:Scripps National Spelling Bee)是美国规模最大的英语单词拼字大赛。通常在每年五月底阵亡将士纪念日之后的一周,由非盈利性组织The E. W. Scripps Company在华盛顿举办。自2011年起,全美拼字比赛的举办地点改为盖洛德国家度假会议中心酒店,位于华盛顿附近的马里兰州海滨城市奥克森岗。

Nine newspapers collaborated to start the National Spelling Bee in 1925.
In 1941,Scripps took over sponsorship of the National Spelling Bee.

There was no Scripps National Spelling Bee during the war years of 1943-45.
1943-1945年战争期间,Scripps 国家拼字比赛也随之暂停。
1946: The national finals wer broadcast live on NBC.
1946年: 全国级总决赛在NBC上现场直播。

1974 and 1977: The national finals were broadcast on PBS a taped prime-time special.
1974和1977年: 全国级总决赛在PBS黄金录音时段特别报道。
1994-2009: The national finals were broadcast live in daytime on ESPN.
1994-2009年: 全国级总决赛在ESPN白天进行现场直播。

2006-2010: The national finals were broadcast live on ABC.
2006-2010年: 全国级总决赛在ABC电台现场直播。
2011-2017: The national finals were broadcast live in prime-time on ESPN.

In an unprecedented display of academic achievement, eightspellers have become co-champions of the 2019 ScrippsNational Spelling Bee, making history as the first group toshare the coveted title in the 92 years of the storied event.
The 95th U.S. Spelling Bee Finals of 2023 concluded at 10pm on June lst. Dev Shah from Florida clinched the title inasingle round with the championship word"psammophile." He is the third winner hailing from Floridaand the first champion ofthe 21st century.

2024 Scripps National Spelling Bee ChampionSpeller 47 Bruhat Soma, received the ScrippsCup from Adam Symson, President and CE0 ofThe E.W. Scripps Company, in National HarborMD, on Thursday, May 30, 2024.