- 大会级别:全国级别比赛
- 大会时间:每年4月5-7日
- 大会地点:中国 北京
- 大会遴选:
- 遴选时间:每年9月-次年3月
- 遴选地点:
- 个人:中国各授权城市组委会+全国网络组委会
- 团体:中国各授权城市组委会+全国团体组委会
- 遴选方式:
- 个人:初选—复选—区域决选—城市总决选—全国总决选
- 团体:城市选拔选---全国半决选-----全国总决选
- 大会组别:
- 小学初级组(小学一、二年级)
- 小学中学组(小学三、四年级)
- 小学高级组(小学五、六年级)
- 初中组:(初中七-九年级)

ROUND 1 城市海选初选
城市海选初选是选手们新赛季的启程,学生主要会在学校内参加听力的笔试。切记详实的填写初选的考试试卷的“注册选手信息”,此项作为该考生注册的信息,录入到“SPBCN国际英文拼词大会管理系统”各城市组委会会将初选的晋级通知书,派送至学校发至晋级的选手,晋级选手请按照通知书的要求参加城市复选的选拔。此项考题为30题。1-17题,选手根据所听到的单词和例句将试卷单词补全。单词为基础单词。18-22题,录音会给出相应发音,根据发音将单词补全。单词为中等单词。22-30题,小初给出图片,根据图片选单词,小中、小高、初中录音给出单词的发音和例句,选手需要将单词拼写在试卷上。单词为高等单词。熟悉试卷,认真阅读考卷。理解题型。补全考题,可以先将预估答案用铅笔补全,听录音的时候进行核实。18-22题,通过录音和例句,确定单词,并拼读出来。此类题型,要仔细听录音,快速抓住关键词,确定单词,再拼写在试卷。 -
ROUND 2 城市遴选复选
城市海选复赛选手请在各城市组委会的安排下参加城市海选复赛;参赛证和有效的身份证明是参加城市复赛的有效凭证;晋级的通知请及时关注各城市组委会的相关媒体;请及时和城市组委会确认晋级积分的增加;参加各城市组委会的相关现场拼词的备赛训练;认真阅读本手册,训练自己的辨音能力,学习基础的拼字技巧,掌握自己级别的词库。备赛期间,每日练习听音、拼词训练。在掌握所有单词后,了解单词的词义和例句。 比赛考题为20题。1-10题,考官给出每个单词的发音和例句,选手将所到的单词补全。单词为基础单词。11-15题,考官给出单词的发音和例句,选手将单词全拼出来。单词为高等单词。16-20题,考官给出单词的定义,和三个选项,选手选出选项,并将单词全拼出来(此项给出首字母)。单词为中等单词,每个单词考官会念两遍。1. 进入考场后,可以与外籍考官多交流,增加自己对外籍考官发音的辨识度。2. 熟悉考卷,认真阅读考卷。补全考题,可以先将预估答案用铅笔补全。3. 比赛考试后,不允许向外籍考官提问。每个单词会念两遍,建议第一遍写答案,第二遍复查自己的答案。 -
ROUND 3 城市区域决选
参赛证和有效的身份证明是参加城市区域决选的有效凭证;请得到号码牌后确认和自己的名字相符并建议在开场前提前使用洗手间;和城市组委会工作人员确认自己是否晋级和积分的增加;参加各城市组委会组织的相关冠军训练营备赛城市总决选;参赛前尽可能多的熟悉中国区的词库范围,包括单词拼写和发音;把每个单词的例句和官方的解释查清并进行跟读和跟听;在拼词现场如遇到生僻的单词,要反复和考官确认发音并使用拼读的技巧拼写单词。在规定时间内有效地使用时间确认所有的发音、例句和解释;拼词之前尽量使用自己的方式不发声地拼读几遍单词;在反复确认后一次性且尽量不停顿地大声把每个字母拼读出来。 -
ROUND 4 城市总决选

I am honored to share my experiences in SPBCN with present and future spellers. I participated in SPBCN four times, trying to fulfill my dream of earning champion. In this competition. I targeted studying the etymology and roots of words. Only one distinct goal kept me motivated during this painstaking journey: to be champion! My first advice to other spellers is to engage in English reading. Engaging in English reading significantly enhances spelling proficiency vocabulary acquisition. It not only entertains but also deepens spellers' understanding and effective use of the language in daily interactions. When changing a perspective, spelling can also enhance reading skills by improving word recognition, comprehension, and fluency, making it easier to understand written text. That's why getting crowned champion in SPBCN also benefits and expands my English reading experiences. My second piece of advice for spellers is to follow your inner thoughts and instincts. I used to think that I should keep persevering until I am exhausted and have achieved my goal, only to find out that I was wrong. You should keep trying, trying, and trying. Even at the point of collapse you should stand back up and strive for your dreams. My honor, perseverance, and confidence are important qualities that led me to success in SPBCN. l also learned to embrace defeat gracefully, which serves a pivotal role in this competition. Never give up and keep trying!

I participated in SPBCN three times over the course of 2.5 years. Interestingly, 2023, the year I secured the national championship in the Top 20 Group, was the year I felt the most relaxed and exerted the least effort. With a solid foundation and experience under my belt, I pivoted my attention to studying the etymology and roots of words. I employed guessing techniques to navigate the challenges posed by unlisted words. What drove me throughout the demanding preparation process? A distinct goal: to be the SPBCN champion. This represented my first substantial achievement in life, and I was resolute in my quest to attain it. The competition stage always weighed heavily on me with immense pressure. But precsure can also be a captivating aspect of competition, fueling passion. My advice? Remain poised. If genuine tranquility eludes you persist in outward calmness until your inner turmoil subsides. Another piece of counsel for spellers is to immerse yourself in reading. The extensive vocabulary I amassed from reading endowed me with a marked edge in the contest. On the flip side, mastering word spelling conventions through competitions has enriched both the depth and breadth of my English reading experiences. My takeaways from SPBCN include immense honor, increased confidence, commitment, and perseverance. I also learned the art of victory and the grace of handling defeat. The trepidation of failure no longer impedes my path to success.

I was intrigued to particinate in the Snelling Bee of China hecause it was a good starting point for my prodigious English to show itself. It was slightly more challenging when it was in the City Finals, then the National Finals were way more challenging, but | didn't expect to reach such high ranks as champion. It's all about your mindset and how you react to things, and the one strategy I find very useful is just reading a lot in Your tree time. Especially in the Finals you will get words outside the word bank, so reading a lot makes your vocabulary a behemoth size. l would prefer if future spellers would not just learn the words by rote, but rather find them in life to reach higher levels in the Spelling Bee. I don't mean to be a braggadocio, but it is easy once you get to know the actual definitions of the words. You don't need to have a lot of grit to out, you just need the academic vise to grin on the words both inside and outside the word bank. Finally l hope that all spellers in the new season can achieve your desires!

It's been a while since the competition, but I still feel it happened yesterday. I first participated in the Spelling Bee in Grade Four. And I saw many proficient spellers. At that time, I regarded getting first place in the Spelling Bee as my dream. One year later, I got the champion of my group and my school. Two years after the last competition I finally fulfilled my dream and got the champion of my school again. I appreciated Spelling Bee for all I learned and reaped, not only the glory it brought but also the spirit of "GRIT," friends from all over the world, and teamwork with trustable teammates. Spelling the words, spelling the world.
It's a great honor to have the chance to share my experiences during the Spelling Bee competition. First of all, this competition helps in practicing one's memory, language, and controlling one's emotions. which are all important elements when it comes to big occasions, no matter whether it is in school or in society. Second, the Spelling Bee not only can help vou learn English better, but also learn about other countries and cultures. Other than that. the Spelling Bee is also a great event for different people to come together to communicate, to share ideas, and to reach your goals. I participated in the Spelling Bee for five consecutive years. and I encountered manv different and interesting challenges like, competition, interviews, preparation, and ceremonies. I felt happy, sad, anxious, as well as some annoved. Above all. most imbortantly, understood that success is a result of a lot of efforts and a bit of luck. Finally this competition made a positive and unforgettable imprecsion on me. Of course, finally, I wish every single speller good luck on vour Spelling Bee. and never give up until you reach your final goals.

First of all, I would like to give my thanks to SPBCN for offering me the opportunity to show myself. At the same time, I would also like to thank the ones who helped and supported me on my way to the championship, Thank you all! To be able to win the championship, both hard work and luck are factors to be considered. To be honest, I never regard myself as a lucky girl, so what I want to tell you is that winning the championship is not like winning the lottery for you will never be sure of your next word unless you have known the wordlist inside out. “The strong pass of the enemy is like a wall of iron, yet with firm strides we are conquering its summit”. At the beginning of the new season, every hard-working speller plants their own seeds of hope. There is only one champion, I believe that everyone eventually will gain something from this game. For those who have already got a good place, never be arrogant about it. In this game, everyone is at the same start. No cross, no crown. Best wishes for all spellers to get remarkable grades in the following season.

The SPBCN competition had instilled within me a love for words and their etymology and had given me experiences about on-stage spelling. As I was preparing myself for the competition, I learned to pay special attention to the “Origin” section of each word’s entry. I also compared words that I know to the words I was studying to find a common root or affix by looking for a similarity in spelling. Then, I compared the two word’s meanings to see if there are any overlapping parts. If there is, I can now know that this root or affix probably means the same thing as the overlapping part of the two words’ definitions. Also, I summed up a ton of experiences from spelling on stage. I assured myself based on my experiences that the judge will not pronounce you wrong if you spelled correctly. Not only that, I have also known that the pronouncer is always friendly and eager to share to you whatever information he or she is allowed to give. Even if you get the word wrong, you can always try again next time or have innumerable bear hugs from your kith and kin and fellow spellers, can you not? Though it may seem as the world is falling apart when you gets eliminated, it really is not falling apart; try to cheer yourself up and shout exuberantly when the champion is declared. These are the blessings the competition had brought upon me, which you will definitely receive, too.

First of all, I just want to say that The Spelling Bee of China has a huge impact on my English skills and my courage. I mean, there’s loads of words that I have never seen before that are related to science, mythology and philosophy. To repair my weakness in those words, I don’t just memorize those that are in the official handbook, because I know that there will come a time where all the official handbook’s word reserves are exhausted, and I will be disqualified because I was too busy memorizing those words and praying that the competition won’t go that far. So, I came to another solution: if I read more books in that area of knowledge, I will not be afraid that I will get disqualified because I have studied extra hard in that scope. Also, when I first started out last November, I had serious stage fright. But as I progressed more and more through the Spelling Bee, I became braver and braver. Anyway, I think that this competition is really good, because it gives a chance for the Chinese and other people around the globe to practice their English skills. Even if you don’t win anything, it will be a great experience for you.

Looking back to the SPBCN competition I took part a while ago, I have quite a lot of things to share. Firstly, I am very delighted that I won first place in this competition. I still remember how happy I felt when I saw a familiar word in the word list or get a hard word correct for the first time. Secondly, I am glad that I made friends with other spellers from all over the country. Additionally, this competition has made me overcome my shyness in public and improved my self-confidence. Last but not least, a genuine thanks to friends, family and others who helped me. In the end, believe that if you do not succeed the first time, try, try again, you will always be the winner of your life.

I want to say that I benefited a lot from the Spelling Bee. It really helped me a lot. Not only did it increase my vocabulary, but it also taught me how to endeavor towards your goal. I've taken part in the Spelling Bee for two years, and in the second year I got the champion of the National Spelling Bee. What I concluded from the experience of these two competitions is that, if you try your best to do something and you have faith that you can succeed, then nothing is unachievable. The power of faith is enormous and make a person powerful. I truly believed that I had the ability to take the championship of the Spelling Bee and faith had supported me through trouble in reciting words, trouble in understanding their true meaning etc. But I knew that I could defeat all these problems. So I just gritted my teeth and conquered all the problems. It was also a chance to show how to achieve your dream by your own endeavor. I understood the only way to achieve something is by persistence and self-endeavor.The Spelling Bee also helped me broaden my scope of knowledge. Some of the words I recited were really hard to remember because they're medical or scientific terms which I'm not familiar with at all. By reciting these words, I could increase my vocabulary and learn something (whether astronomical or geographical knowledge) that I wasn't familiar with. It really increased my scope of knowledge. I really benefited from the Spelling Bee. I loved it very much and it really became one of my hobbies and interests.

In may 2005, I, as the representative of China, joined the match of American spelling, I was desirous of this competition. After kinds of matches in half a year, finally I had been the representative of China to join it. I came over a lot of difficulties from myself, my family and other things. When I was preparing for the match, I felt extremely disappointed and extremely confident. I had to prepare for almost thousand of words every day including pronunciation, illustrative sentences and origin of worlds. But when I was in Washington, I realized that we, as non-native speakers, need to comprehend the words not only the vocabulary after written examination. I stopped my match because of my unsatisfactory written exam. But I had participated the opening fair, outside BBQ, tour of Washington, important closing ceremony and reception dancing party, so I harvested more.

I started participating in spelling bee in 2013, and got the champion of China in 2014 and the runner-up in 2016. The spelling bee has enriched my vocabulary and helped me learn better about the world. This summer’s NASCC was a brand new experience for me. Students from both China and USA competed on the same stage, and I was able to see how excellent American national finalists were and challenge myself. The training courses taught me how to remember words scientifically and systematically. We also had some fun lectures, sports and parties, and I learned more about American culture. After the competition we also traveled in Los Angeles and San Francisco, and it broadened my horizon. I truly thank the organizers of SPBCN for giving me this platform of learning and competing. I hope that more Chinese students can participate in spelling bee and learn about American culture in the following years.

- 全国总决选 冠军
- 价值2000美金的现金奖励
- 价值36800元人民币赴北美城市冠军挑战赛的全额奖金资助
- SPBCN国际英文拼词大会 总冠军奖杯&冠军证书
- 全国总决选 亚军
- 价值1000美金的现金奖励
- 价值18400元人民币赴北美城市冠军挑战赛的半额奖金资助
- SPBCN国际英文拼词大会 全国总决赛亚军证书
- 全国总决选 季军
- 价值500美金的现金奖励
- 价值10000元人民币赴北美城市冠军挑战赛的奖金资助
- SPBCN国际英文拼词大会 全国总决赛季军证书
- 全国总决选 4-20名
- 价值2000元人民币赴北美城市冠军挑战赛的奖金资助
- SPBCN国际英文拼词大会 全国总决赛优胜奖证书