GCSCC全球冠军中国赛,作为SPBCN中国区年度重量级的赛事,将于每年8月份在中国北京盛大举行,届时将邀请到当年Spelling Bee全球各地区比赛冠军选手、NASCC北美城市冠军挑战赛冠军、美国各州的冠军选手,齐聚中国进行为期一周的全球赛事的训练和比赛,为年度极高殊荣进行最后比拼。

- 赛事级别:全球比赛
- 赛事时间:每年8月
- 赛事地点:中国 北京
- 赛事组织:全球赛事冠军选拔
- 大赛组别:无组别赛事
- 赛事遴选:
- 遴选时间:每年9月-次年7月
- 遴选地点:全球各地区
- 遴选方式:
- 1.“Scripps Spelling Bee”全球冠军选手
- 2.全球各国家地区的冠军选手
- 3.美国各州的冠军选手
- 4.“北美城市冠军挑战赛”的冠军选手
- 5.中国各城市的冠军选手
- 6.GCSCC全球冠军训练营 晋级赛选手

2015-16 GCSCC champion :Sylvie la montagne
Sylvie Lamontage, is a passionate speller and a champion coach. She is also the GCSCC
champion in 2016. Since meeting Chinese spellers in 2016, Sylvie has been very
supportive to Chinese spellers and shares her spelling tips to all spellers she met
during the GCSCC training camp in Beijing. As a spelling coach she is dedicated to
language and her work was featured in a 1-minute documentary sponsored by 60 Seconds
Doc. The video got more than 3 million views. Sylvie will come to China next year for
the GCSCC competition.
2016年Scripps SpellingBee 美国国家比赛第四名
2016-17 GCSCC champion :Shourav Dasari
Shourav Dasari is a very confident speller, and a champion of various American spelling
competition including 2017 North America Spelling Champion Challenge. His spelling
prowess became a trending topic in social media and was known as the “Lebron James” of
spelling bees. He was also declared as the 2017 GCSCC champion. Shourav praised the hard
work and dedication of Chinese spellers in learning English. He promised to be back in
Beijing for next year’s bee and hopes to meet more spellers in his next visit to China.
2016年Scripps SpellingBee 美国国家比赛第四名

2017-18 GCSCC champion :Cameron Keith
Colorado teens Cameron Keith used the Rolodes of words spinning in their brain to
advance to the Scripps Nationals.This was Cameron’s fourth trip to the Scripps National
Spelling Bee. He tied for 50th place in 2015,tied for 18th place in 2016 and tied for
25th place in 2018.He was the champion of GCSCC 2018. Cameron studied spelling words
four to six hours a day all year and his perseverance earned him.

2015-16 GCSCC champion :Sylvie la montagne
Sylvie Lamontage, is a passionate speller and a champion coach. She is also the GCSCC
champion in 2016. Since meeting Chinese spellers in 2016, Sylvie has been very
supportive to Chinese spellers and shares her spelling tips to all spellers she met
during the GCSCC training camp in Beijing. As a spelling coach she is dedicated to
language and her work was featured in a 1-minute documentary sponsored by 60 Seconds
Doc. The video got more than 3 million views. Sylvie will come to China next year for
the GCSCC competition.
2016年Scripps SpellingBee 美国国家比赛第四名

2016-17 GCSCC champion :Shourav Dasari
Shourav Dasari is a very confident speller, and a champion of various American spelling
competition including 2017 North America Spelling Champion Challenge. His spelling
prowess became a trending topic in social media and was known as the “Lebron James” of
spelling bees. He was also declared as the 2017 GCSCC champion. Shourav praised the hard
work and dedication of Chinese spellers in learning English. He promised to be back in
Beijing for next year’s bee and hopes to meet more spellers in his next visit to China.
2016年Scripps SpellingBee 美国国家比赛第四名

2017-18 GCSCC champion :Cameron Keith
Colorado teens Cameron Keith used the Rolodes of words spinning in their brain to
advance to the Scripps Nationals.This was Cameron’s fourth trip to the Scripps National
Spelling Bee. He tied for 50th place in 2015,tied for 18th place in 2016 and tied for
25th place in 2018.He was the champion of GCSCC 2018. Cameron studied spelling words
four to six hours a day all year and his perseverance earned him.

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